
2022.09.27 | W. Wu (University of Melbourne, Australia): Development of fast flood inundation emulators using data-driven models and spatial reduction and reconstruction methods

2022.06.01 | M. Wildemeersch (IIASA, Austria): Strategies for risk reduction: A balancing act

2020.02.13 | J. Lund (University of California, Davis): California’s Far Out Water Management Institutional and Infrastructure Adaptation to High Hydrologic Variability

2019.07.15 | P.D. Loucks (Cornell University): Current needs, challenges and opportunities in water quality monitoring, modelling and management

2018.12.03 | M.H.Ramos (National Research Institute of Science and Technology for Environment and Agriculture – IRSTEA): Flash floods: challenges of nowcasting using ensemble approaches

2017.10.03 | H. Maier (University of Adelaide): A spatial decision support system for natural hazard risk reduction policy assessment and planning

2017.08.29 | R. Taormina (Singapore University of Technology and Design): Characterization, Simulation and Detection of Cyber-physical attacks on Water Distribution Networks

2017.07.27 | P. Block (University of Wisconsin Madison): Nile Hydropolitics and the Grand Ethiopian Dam: Current and Future Challenges

2017.06.07 | J. Pitlick (University of Colorado Boudler): Morphodynamics of gravel-bed rivers

2017.03.07 | J.D. Quinn (Cornell University): Direct Policy Search for Multi-Objective Control of Socio-Ecological and Hydrological Systems

2017.01.13 | R. Stewart (Griffith University): Towards the Digital Water Utility: Role of Intelligent Water Networks and Big Data Informatics

2016.12.20 | S. Galelli (Singapore University of Technology and Design): Influence of El Niño Southern Oscillation on global hydropower production

2016.07.07 | J.D. Herman (University of California, Davis): Robust policy design for water resources systems with conflicting objectives

2016.06.08 | T. Zhu (International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington): Policy modeling for sustainable water management in agriculture: challenges of spatial scales

2016.05.02 | J. Kwakkel (Delft University of Technology): Exploratory modeling for designing adaptation pathways