
202020192018201720162015Previous Years

Recent Years

Luca Ferrari: 2024 Fondazione Symbola – Università Luiss Guido Carli – Unioncamera Master Thesis Award “10 tesi per la sostenibilità” for his thesis Drivers of uncertainty, high-risk scenarios, and robust climate policies in RICE50+

Marco Tangi: 2022 Syvitski Student Modeler Award

Andrea Ficchì: 2022 AXA Research’s Fund Postdoctoral fellowship, AXA – UNESCO’s Ocean Decade


Andrea Cominola: Early Career Research Excellence Award by the international Environmental Modelling & Software society

Marta Zaniolo: 2019 Outstanding Reviewer Award for Journal of Water Resources Planning & Management


Martina Botter: IHA Young Researcher for her thesis Assessing the impact of climate change and price variability on alpine hydropower. A case study in the Swiss Alps

Andrea Castelletti: Best Practice-Oriented Paper Award for the paper Rougé et al. (2018), Assessment of Smart-Meter-Enabled Dynamic Pricing at Utility and River Basin Scale, Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management

Marco Tangi: Outstanding Student PICO Award at the EGU General Assembly 2019

Marta Zaniolo: 1st PRIZE Young Academic Awards 2019 at the Alpine Convention for her thesis Design and Application of drought indexes in highly regulated water systems


Federica Bertoni: Outstanding Student Poster Award at the EGU General Assembly 2018

Andrea Castelletti:  International Environmental Modelling & Software society biennial medalist

Andrea Castelletti: Mary Upson Visiting Professor Fellowship, Cornell University

Andrea Cominola and Simona Denaro:  Outstanding Reviewer Award for Journal of Water Resources Planning & Management

Matteo Giuliani:  Early Career Research Excellence Award by the international Environmental Modelling & Software society

eiLab Team: WssTP Innovation Awards for the category Digital Water Prize for the SmartH2O Project


Rafael Schmitt: IHA Young Researcher for his thesis Strategic planning of hydropower portfolios minimises dam sediment trapping and maximises economic benefits in large river basins

Rafael Schmitt: Dimitri Chorafas international prize for the best Ph.D. thesis in ICT at Politecnico di Milano

Matteo Giuliani: 2016 Outstanding Reviewer Award for Journal of Water Resources Planning & Management


Andrea Castelletti, Matteo Giuliani, Emanuele Mason: IDEAS/AAMAS 2016 Best Paper Award for the paper Amigoni et al. (2016), Using Multiagent Negotiation to Model Water Resources Systems Operations presented, Proceedings of the international workshop of the 2016 Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems International Conference on Issues with Deployment of Emerging Agent-based Systems

Andrea Cominola and Matteo Giuliani: Best Young Researcher Contribution Award for the presentation Modeling water user behaviour: from smart metered data to agent based modeling at the Smart Systems for Water Management summer school

Matteo Giuliani and Andrea Castelletti: Best Research Paper Award for the paper Giuliani et al. (2015), Multiagent Systems and Distributed Constraint Reasoning for Regulatory Mechanism Design in Water Management, Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management

eiLab Team: European Foundations Award for Responsible Research & Innovation with IMRR project


Andrea Cominola: Outstanding Student Poster Award at the AGU Fall Meeting 2015

Matteo Giuliani: Premio Rotary alla Ricerca for young scientists, 2015.

Matteo Giuliani: Outstanding AGU Reviewer Award for Water Resources Research

Previous Years

Matteo Giuliani: 2014 Outstanding Reviewer Award for Journal of Water Resources Planning & Management

Andrea Castelletti: 2013 Canada-Italy Innovation Award

Andrea Castelletti: 2012 Outstanding AGU Reviewer Award for Water Resources Research

Andrea Castelletti: 2010 iEMSs Early Career Research Excellence Award

Andrea Castelletti: 2009 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Fellowship

Andrea Castelletti: 2008 Outstanding Reviewer Award for Environmental Modelling and Software

Andrea Castelletti: 2007 Gledden Fellowship for senior researchers, University of Western Australia, Perth, WA

Andrea Castelletti: 2006 Rotary-Fondazione Cariplo prize for young environmental scientists.

Andrea Castelletti: 2005 Dimitri Chorafas international prize for the best Ph.D. thesis in ICT at Politecnico di Milano