SOWATCH project final workshop
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The eiLab hosted the final workshop of the SOft path WATer adaptation to CHanging climate project. SOWATCH is a research project funded by Fondazione Cariplo and involving the eiLab along with the team of Prof. Gandolfi from the Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences – Production Landscape, Agroenergy (DiSAA- UNIMI).
The project aims at identifying soft, non-structural adaptation strategies for the management of water resources in the Lake Como basin under future scenarios of climate and socio-economic changes.
The twofold purpose of this final meeting (the full program is available HERE) was presenting to and discussing with stakeholders the major outcomes of the project. The meeting included a round table involving representatives from Regione Lombardia, Autorità di Bacino fiume Po, Consorzio dell’Adda, Associazione Nazionale dei Consorzi per la Gestione e la Tutela del Territorio e delle Acque Irrigue, Confederazione Italiana Agricoltori, Confagricoltura, Coldiretti.