Dighe sostenibili e dove trovarle – Sustainable dams and where to find them

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Prof. Andrea Castelletti, head of the eiLab, has been interviewed into L’Eco di Bergamo to recap main learning from the AMBER project (Adaptive Management of Barriers in European Rivers), founded in 2016 by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme with the aim to deliver innovate solutions to river fragmentation in Europe including restoring stream connectivity through adaptive barrier management.

According to Prof. Castelletti, the AMBER project “has built the first continental atlas of infrastructures that interrupt river connectivity. We have cataloged the position of all these barriers, from the smallest to the largest, with the idea of promoting actions aimed at removing some of them. Within the project we then developed mathematical models that would allow for the creation of a sort of virtual reality on which to simulate interventions and study the impact of dam construction”.

Read the full content  here: https://www.ecodibergamo.it/stories/eppen/extra/green/dighe-sostenibili-dove-trovarle-o_1549010_11/ 

Categories: Publications