1st AWESOME Newsletter
Are you interested in how our AWESOME project is exploring the Water, Energy, Food, Ecosystems (WEFE) nexus? Please check out the first Newsletter here, which summaries the updates about the research carried out during the first year.
AWESOME (mAnaging Water, Ecosystems and food across sectors and Scales in the sOuth Mediterranean) is a four-year project funded by the European Union under the Horizon 2020 Prima Programme. The main objective of AWESOME is developing a decision-analytic platform based on a multi-level, integrated Water, Energy, Food, Ecosystems (WEFE) modeling framework to better understand multi-sectoral WEFE tradeoffs and to capitalize on potential synergies, also exploring the interdependencies and feedbacks across a hierarchy of spatial scales, from the macroeconomic development of the Mediterranean region and national scale to regional planning at river basin scale, down to the single farm.